Luís Gonçalves Lira

Managing Associate | Labour PRA Ponta Delgada

July 1, 2024

The minimum wage directive has already taken effect in 9 countries and may require adaptations in Portugal (but gives "significant margin of autonomy")

The new European directive on minimum wages, approved at the end of 2022, gives countries until November this year to transpose it and there are already countries making adaptations.

Luís Gonçalves Lira, Labour’s managing associate, explains to Observador that the directive does not standardize a European minimum value, clarifying the procedure for European countries with a minimum wage.

In the case of Portugal, which already guarantees a minimum wage, its determination depends on factors such as “the needs of workers, the increase in the cost of living and the evolution of productivity, with a view to its adequacy to the criteria of the income policy and prices”.