Afonso Duarte

Sócio | Contencioso e Arbitragem | Coordenador da Unidade Económica Dano Corporal

Marta Fonseca Ferreira

Associada Coordenadora | Família e Sucessões PRA Lisboa

May 20, 2024

Webinar “Regime for the adult accompanied in Portugal”

On June 3rd at 6:00 pm, the webinar “Regime for the adult accompanied in Portugal”, organized by Associação Novamente, will take place.

The Accompanied Adult Regime, approved by Law No. 49/2018 of August 14, allows any person who, for reasons of health, disability or their behavior, is unable to personally, fully and consciously exercise their rights or comply with its duties, may request the necessary follow-up measures from the Court.

Afonso Duarte, professional partner of the Bodily Injury Economic Unit, and Marta Fonseca Ferreira, Family and Inheritance managing associate, will be speakers at the session.